Network of interest

SmokeFreeBrain will develop and support a collaborative health-ecosystem by bringing together the relevant key stakeholders who will testify on their changing interactions and endorse the implemented interventions to ensure maximum health benefits.

At the policy level, alliance with National healthcare policy makers will capitalize efforts and scale up interventions in a global context. The institutional stakeholders are hospitals, health service providers and national authorities who monitor existing approaches to prevention or develop treatments. The scientists’ stakeholders include the scientific community (e.g. researchers, academics) and cross-sectoral experts (e.g. researchers on environmental effects). The Pharmaceutical stakeholders group includes the commercial actors (pharmaceutical industry, insurers). The individual level includes the So-Lo-Mo community, existing smoking cessation networks, family and friends, while central to all this ecosystem is the patient/smoker himself.

SmokeFreeBrain will inform all levels of the framework by providing access to real and valuable information on the establishment of effective interventions for the prevention and treatment of lung diseases.

Who can benefit

Network of interest
Public Health policy: Local Health system, Health ministries
Network of interest

SmokeFreeBrain: an EU-sponsored project available to help smokers stop smoking

This category includes hospitals, health service organizations, Ministry of Health, Smoking cessation clinics etc. Although SmokeFreeBrain project does not include pupils in its target group, given the high incidence of smoking in schools it may be useful to involve Ministries and organizations (parent associations) related to education.

Benefit from SmokeFreeBrain project: Free, effective ways to help stop smoking.

How to get involved: Join the dedicated SmokeFreeBrain LinkedIn group to receive updates on the project and feel free to participate/contribute in scientific discussions.

Network of interest

SmokeFreeBrain project seeks the most effective way to help smokers stop smoking, such as the use of neurofeedback, e-Cigarette and objective ways to evaluate the efficacy of each method

This category includes doctors, researchers, academics, statisticians working in public health (projects).

Benefit from SmokeFreeBrain project: Allow for proper evaluation of neurofeedback as a smoking cessation treatment, and objective evidence for effective intervention.

How to get involved: Join the dedicated SmokeFreeBrain LinkedIn group to receive updates on the project and feel free to participate/contribute in scientific discussions.

Network of interest

SmokeFreeBrain project seeks the most effective way to help smokers stop smoking, hence help maintain healthy and productive staff and reduce costs related to sickness claims etc

This category includes:

  • pharmaceutical companies, neuroimaging companies working on nicotine cessation (eg Imanova who is working on MRI and e cig, e cig companies, Electronic Cigarette Industry Trade Association
  • insurance companies or industries where smokers are likely concentrated due to work stress, such police forces and bank clerks.

Benefit from SmokeFreeBrain project: Effective ways to help stop smoking and maintain healthy staff

How to get involved: Join the dedicated SmokeFreeBrain LinkedIn group to receive updates on the project and feel free to participate/contribute in scientific discussions.

Network of interest

SmokeFreeBrain: EU-sponsored project available to assess the effectiveness of current and new ways of helping smokers stop smoking

This category includes smokers and social environment associated with smokers (family, friends and colleagues), ex-smokers, passive smokers, pregnant and lactating smokers who want to quit smoking.

What do we offer? New scientific based information on the efficacy, safety and cost effectiveness of current and new emerging ways to help smokers stop smoking.

What is requested? Participation in our pilot trials and engagement with SmokeFreeBrain initiatives and activities. Feedback and recommendations on work carried out in the SmokeFreeBrain consortium.

How to get involved? Join the pilot through website registration page, join our Facebook and Twitter page.

Network of interest

SmokeFreeBrain: an EU-sponsored project available to assess the effectiveness of current and new ways of helping smokers stop smoking

This category includes patients who are suffering from, have suffered rom and are associated with people who are suffering from heath conditions caused or linked to smoking (e.g. COPD, asthma, lung cancer, cardiovascular problems, sleep apnea). This category will include patients suffering from mental illness (e.g. depression, bipolar, anxiety, addiction, schizophrenia) where smoking is prevalent.

Benefit from SmokeFreeBrain project: New scientific based information on the efficacy, safety and cost effectiveness of current and new emerging ways to help smokers stop smoking.

What is requested? Engagement with SmokeFreeBrain initiatives and activities. Feedback and recommendations on work carried out by the SmokeFreeBrain consortium.

How to get involved: Join the dedicated SmokeFreeBrain LinkedIn group to receive updates on the project and provide feedback and recommendations on work carried out by the SmokeFreeBrain consortium.

Encourage patients to join the pilot through website registration page, join our Facebook and Twitter page.

Network of interest

SmokeFreeBrain: An EU-sponsored research program is available for participation and collaboration

This category includes projects at universities and research institutes related to smoking cessation.

Benefit from SmokeFreeBrain project: Participation and collaboration in an European research program

How to get involved: Join the dedicated SmokeFreeBrain LinkedIn group to receive updates on the project and provide feedback and recommendations on work carried out by the SmokeFreeBrain consortium and specific talks in universities and research institutes to attract participation and collaboration.

Network of interest

SmokeFreeBrain: An EU-sponsored research program is available that is actively seeking to broadly disseminate its findings and form strategic collaborations with stakeholders in the smoking cessation arena (e.g. scientists, policy makers, industry)

This category includes organization of stand-alone workshops or as part of a bigger conference where SmokeFreeBrain researchers will present and discuss their findings and ideas with other scientists, industry and/or policy makers to enable dissemination and cross fostering of knowledge with the aim to develop new collaborations. Outreach activities (e.g. presentations) will be carried out by members of consortium to stakeholders (policy organizations, smoking cessation clinics, schools, universities, GPs, patient associations).

Benefit from SmokeFreeBrain project: Novel knowledge on efficacy, safety and cost effectiveness of new and current smoking cessation methods and willingness to share and collaborate with targeted stakeholders.

How to get involved: Join the dedicated SmokeFreeBrain LinkedIn group to receive updates on the project and provide feedback and recommendations on work carried out by the SmokeFreeBrain consortium.